Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Over 4 Months...

since I arrived here...and since my last, and only, blog post. Yes, I have received much criticism about my lack of posts on my blog. I originally was hoping to post once a week... not happening. I'll try to post as often as I can, but I'm not making any promises as to the time span between posts. As to the content, I have decided to change on what exactly will go into the blog. I think this change may (again no promises) lead to more posts. I originally was going to post about any major things that happened to me throughout the week, much like my first post. But as things and events became routine here I found it difficult to come up with information for a post, to the point that I really stopped trying. So, my plan is to widen my topic areas from a schedule based post to...well, in general, anything. Basically all of my previous blog plans and ideas have been removed, tweaked, or corrected, which means I may end up posting anything from a funny, superficial youtube video to what God has been teaching me while I've been here in Africa.

And no, this was not a New Year's Resolution even though it is extremely close to the day.

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